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Chainey P. Singleton, Ph.D., J.D.
Before founding Singleton Law , PLLC, I was a partner at Chalker Flores LLP, a boutique law firm specializing in intellectual property, where I practiced for 13 years. I started my career in the intellectual property group at Gardere Wynne Sewell LLP in Dallas.
Franklin Pierce Law Center, J.D., 2000-2003
National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, 1998-2000
Areas of research included nanotechnology, organic synthesis and nanoelectronics in the study and characterization of molecular wire-oligonucleotide architectures.
University of South Carolina, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1998
Doctoral research included organic, inorganic chemistry and biological chemistry relating to the synthesis and characterization of semiconductor nanomaterials and luminescent probes to examine DNA dynamics.
University of South Carolina, M.S., Chemistry, 1994
Areas of research included biochemistry and molecular biology relating to the regulation of gene expression and function of chromosomal proteins with an emphasis on the use of recombinant DNA technology to characterize genes.
University of South Carolina, B.S., Chemistry, 1991
Member, State Bar of Texas
Member, Dallas Bar Association
The United States Patent and Trademark Office
Federal District Court for the Northern District of Texas